From untact to all tact, from on line to all line

2022-11-11 10:46
The Spanish flu first broke out in Chicago in 1918 and swept the world for about two years, claiming the lives of nearly 100 million people. In the 14th century, it was the worst pandemic in the world, causing far more deaths than the plague that swept across Europe. Even after the Spanish flu subsided somewhat, nearly 600 million additional people were infected, which is a surprising number since the world population at that time was 1.6 billion.
This pandemic has dramatically changed the world's tides. Some analyzes say that World War I was over - and of course it wasn't just because of the Spanish flu - that it helped the Nazis and Hitler, the main causes of World War II, come to power, and there are also studies that it influenced the March 1st Movement in Korea. have. At that time, 7.5 million people, or 40% of the Joseon population, were infected and the death toll reached 140,000. I can't say it's very accurate, but it's something I agree with.

However, what really changed with the Spanish flu was a drastic change in the existing world economic order. The hegemony of the world economy was held by Britain. However, due to the potato famine that struck England around 1860, the remarkable economic growth of the United States, fertilization of the land, the development of agriculture, and the laying of a foothold for industrialization through export of grains, the world economic hegemony is slowly passing from Britain to the United States. it was However, as the Spanish flu hit the world during World War I, the axis of the economy shifted completely to the United States, which became the center of capital-intensive industries. In fact, the United States became a foothold for hegemony in the global economy.

The important thing to note here is that, as we all know, America is a country of immigrants. The United States is basically a country of openness and openness. From the time the independent nation of the United States was created through the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, in the process of seizing the hegemony of the world economy and maintaining the position of the world's only one-tower hegemon for over 100 years, the mistakes made in the process are indescribably numerous. . In addition, many countries fought fiercely while trying to usurp this supremacy. Imperialist countries such as Germany, Russia, and Japan all challenged this hegemony with curiosity, but the United States never gave up. Recently, China is strongly challenging the hegemony of the United States with China Money, the Belt and Road New Silk Road strategy, and massive military investment, but it is still not the best opponent in many ways. The biggest reason is the difference between 'open' and 'closed'.

China is a completely closed country. Since it is a country built on the ideology of communism - it is not about the entire history of China - it is completely closed through a totalitarian system. Being closed seems to provide protection, but in fact, it is a state of isolation where nothing is acceptable. The characteristic of closure is not protection, but that life force does not flow in. It has to be open so it can flow in and out again. Like in-breath and ex-breath. Life force can then arise.